
Shareholder Structure

Significant Shareholding

Significant Shareholders Name or company name of the indirect owner % of voting rights attached to shares % of Voting rights through financial instruments % of voting rights total
Pontegadea Inversiones, S.L.Amancio Ortega Gaona50.010%50.010%
Partler Participaciones S.L.U.Amancio Ortega Gaona9.284%9.284%
Rosp Corunna Participaciones Empresariales, S.L.Sandra Ortega Mera5.053%5.053%
*Last updated on 14/03/2023
Check it at CNMV's website


A detail of Inditex shares held by directors (other than significant shareholders) is shown next:

Name or company name of the director % of voting rights through financial instruments % of total voting rights
Mrs. Marta Ortega Pérez42,511-0.0014%
Mr. Óscar García Maceiras*80,314-0.0026%
Mr. José Arnau Sierra30,000-0.001%
Mrs. Flora Pérez Marcote83,342-0.0027%
Bns. Denise Patricia Kingsmill---
Mrs. Pilar López Álvarez7,000-0.0002%
Mrs. Belén Romana García1,518
Mr. José Luis Durán Schulz-3,1060.0001%
Mr. Rodrigo Echenique Gordillo20,000-0.0006%
TOTAL -0.0085%

For further detailed information, access is provided to the information on transactions in Inditex shares notified by senior managers and related parties available on CNMV's public records.

Check it at CNMV's website

Treasury Stock

The Annual General Meeting held in 2023 authorised the Board of Directors to proceed to the derivative acquisition of treasury stock up to 10% of the share capital.

The incentive for the second cycle (2020-2023) of the 2019-2023 Long-term Incentive Plan (LTIP) was settled in 2023. Such Plan, addressed to members of the Management and other employees of the Inditex Group was approved at the Annual General Meeting held on 16 July 2019 (an aggregate number of 1,350,095 shares were delivered).

Consequently, as of 31 January 2024, the Company held 3,582,419 treasury shares. The incentive for the first cycle (2021-2024) of the 2021-2025 LTIP has been settled in 2024 (an aggregate number of 1,676,573 shares have been delivered).

Treasury stock as of 30/04/2024

Shares %
1,905,846 0.0612%

For further detailed information, access is provided to the information on the Share Buy-Back Programme available on CNMV’s public records.